Acceptable Use

Effective Date: 20th of August, 2024

This Acceptable Use Policy ("Policy") sets forth the acceptable and unacceptable conduct for your use of Lleverage's Services, including our platform, APIs, AI development tools, and any other services we provide ("Services"). By using the Services, you agree to comply with this Policy. If we determine that you have violated this Policy, we may suspend or terminate your access to the Services. This Policy is subject to change, so please review it periodically. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the meanings set forth in the Terms of Service.


  • Comply with the Terms: Follow all applicable Terms of Service, including this Acceptable Use Policy.

  • Observe All Laws: Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to intellectual property, data protection, privacy, and export control laws.

  • Respect Data Ownership: Only upload or disseminate data or information that you have the legal right to share, and do so in compliance with all applicable laws and contractual obligations.

  • Secure Your Access: Use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to the Services, keep your passwords and other login information confidential, and monitor all activity under your account.

  • Report Security Issues: Promptly notify Lleverage if you become aware of any unauthorized access, security breaches, or other suspicious activities related to your account.

  • Manage Third-Party Integrations: Ensure compliance with the terms of any third-party applications, APIs, or databases that you elect to integrate with the Services.

  • Maintain Ethical AI Use: Use AI-generated outputs in a manner that is ethical, responsible, and in compliance with our Responsible AI Policy, including ensuring that AI-generated content does not cause harm, spread misinformation, or violate any applicable laws.

Do Not:

  • Share Unauthorized Access: Do not allow any third party that is not an Authorized User to access or use your credentials for the Services.

  • Transfer Accounts: Do not share, transfer, or provide access to your account to another person who is not the original Authorized User.

  • Infringe on Rights: Do not use the Services to create, store, or transmit content that infringes upon or misappropriates someone else's intellectual property or other legal rights.

  • Commit Fraud or Identity Theft: Do not use the Services to commit fraud, engage in identity theft, or further any fraudulent activity.

  • Impersonate Others: Do not impersonate any person or entity, including Lleverage employees or other Authorized Users, or falsely state your affiliation with any person, organization, or entity.

  • Upload Harmful Content: Do not upload or transmit any data, files, software, or links that contain or redirect to viruses, malware, or other harmful components.

  • Interfere with the Services: Do not attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, hack, disable, or otherwise interfere with the features, functionality, integrity, or performance of the Services or any related systems or networks.

  • Circumvent Security Measures: Do not attempt to defeat or bypass any security or monitoring mechanisms within the Services.

  • Create Competing Products: Do not access the Services to build or improve a similar or competitive product or service.

  • Target Minors Inappropriately: Do not use the Services to harm minors or engage in any activity that targets individuals under the age of thirteen.

  • Support Terrorist Activities: Do not use the Services to provide material support or resources to any organizations designated as terrorist entities under applicable laws.

  • Send Unsolicited Communications: Do not use the Services to send spam, unsolicited communications, promotions, or advertisements.

  • Engage in Deceptive Practices: Do not use the Services to send altered, deceptive, or false information, including "spoofing" or "phishing" communications.

  • Abuse Referral Programs: Do not abuse referrals, promotions, or similar incentives to gain more credits or benefits than deserved.

  • Exploit the Services: Do not sublicense, resell, or otherwise exploit the Services for commercial gain without proper authorization.

  • Involve Patent Assertion Entities: Do not access or use the Services on behalf of or for the benefit of any Patent Assertion Entity.

Contacting Lleverage

If you have any questions about this Acceptable Use Policy, please contact us at

Last updated